TLC Med Spa is excited to offer a revolutionary treatment that can improve muscle tone and eliminate stubborn fat without surgery. EMSCULPT NEO® is a two-in-one non-surgical body contouring procedure that is designed to simultaneously reduce fat and sculpt muscles in one 30 minute treatment. If you have lost weight, but you are seeking a leaner look, EMSCULPT NEO® can help you achieve a toned tummy, slimmer thighs, or a more defined backside.

Non-Surgical Body Contouring in Houston

At TLC Med Spa, our team of doctors and weight loss experts are dedicated to helping people in Houston live healthier, more active lives. We know that bariatric procedures such as gastric sleeve are effective for long-term weight loss and can also reduce diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.1 We also realize that many patients enjoy improved health after weight loss, but still strive to meet their aesthetic goals. EMSCULPT NEO® can help when diet and exercise are not enough to give you a lean, toned appearance.

How Does EMSCULPT NEO® Work?

EMSCULPT NEO® uses radiofrequency (RF) and High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Energy (HIFEM). RF technology uses heat to induce apoptosis, a process in which fat cells are permanently damaged. Then, by contracting the muscles at a level of intensity that is impossible to achieve during a workout HIFEM is clinically proven to increase muscle mass.2

What to Expect During EMSCULPT NEO®

EMSCULPT NEO® uses radiofrequency (RF) and High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Energy (HIFEM). RF technology uses heat to induce apoptosis, a process in which fat cells are permanently damaged. Then, by contracting the muscles at a level of intensity that is impossible to achieve during a workout HIFEM is clinically proven to increase muscle mass.2

Preparing for Your Treatment

You can schedule a consultation appointment at our Houston office to learn if EMSCULPT NEO® is right for you and discuss your personalized treatment plan with one of our providers. You may be advised to avoid blood-thinning medications such as ibuprofen before your treatment, as they may increase your chances of post-procedure bruising.

During Treatment

EMSCULPT NEO® is an in-office procedure with no incisions or injections. You will relax as one of our specialists applies the EMSCULPT NEO® device applicator to your targeted area. You may feel muscle contractions, but patients typically find the treatment to be painless. Depending on your needs and goals, multiple 30 minute treatments may be recommended. Optimal treatment plans usually incorporate 4 to 6 treatments over a period of several weeks.


There is no downtime needed after your treatment. You may feel sore, similar to the way you would feel after an intense workout. Occasionally, patients experience mild bruising at the treatment area.


Results will appear in the weeks after treatment as the body gradually builds muscle and sheds fat cells.

Benefits of EMSCULPT NEO®

  • Non-surgical with no incisions or injections
  • Reduces fat in stubborn areas
  • Improves muscle tone
  • No downtime
  • Can be customized to meet your needs
  • Can be repeated or combined with other treatments

Frequently Asked Questions About EMSCULPT NEO®

Is this a weight loss procedure?

EMSCULPT NEO® is intended to target small amounts of fat in targeted areas. If you are seeking significant weight loss, we may recommend a bariatric procedure prior to body contouring.

Will insurance cover EMSCULPT NEO®?

No, this is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. We do offer a variety of payment options for your convenience.

How much does EMSCULPT NEO® cost?

Your personalized treatment plan will vary in price depending on how many sessions are needed to meet your goals.

What areas can be treated with EMSCULPT NEO®?

EMSCULPT NEO® can treat the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms and calves.

Get EMSCULPT NEO® in Houston

The weight loss professionals at TLC Med Spa are here for you. Contact us with any questions or to schedule your appointment.

1 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery. Available: https://asmbs.org/patients/benefits-of-weight-loss-surgery Accessed April 14, 2021.
2 Kent E. David, Jacob I. Carolyn. Computed tomography (CT) based evidence of simultaneous changes in human adipose and muscle tissues following a High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field (HIFEM) application: a new method for non-invasive body sculpting. Presented at the Annual Meeting of The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas TX.

“TLC changed my life in a major way. I know my worth more now.”

— Tasha, TLC Patient

The TLC Surgery Doctors have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.