Emsella® for Incontinence

Emsella® Chair for Urinary Incontinence in Houston

Urinary incontinence is not something many women discuss, so it may surprise you to know how common it is: between 20% and 50% of women experience some form of urinary incontinence or overactive bladder.1 Urinary incontinence is caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles, which may be result of genetics, childbirth, menopause, age, or other factors. Urinary incontinence can be an uncomfortable, inconvenient, and socially awkward condition, but treatment is available. At TLC Med Spa in Houston, we offer urinary incontinence treatment using the non-invasive Emsella chair.

What is Emsella?

The pelvic floor muscles help support a woman’s internal organs and make it possible to control the release of urine. When these muscles are weakened, urinary incontinence may be the result.
Emsella is approved by the FDA to treat overactive bladder and urinary incontinence caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles. This treatment chair emits electromagnetic energy that can help tone and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. In the past, women performed Kegel exercises to contract the pelvic floor muscles and make them stronger. With Emsella, just one 30-minute treatment session stimulates up to 10,000 Kegel exercises to tone and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

What Does Emsella Treat?

Emsella is approved by the FDA to treat both stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and overactive bladder (OAB). Stress urinary incontinence is involuntary leakage of urine, often experienced by women when they laugh, exercise, sneeze, or cough.2 Overactive bladder is the sudden and frequent urge to urinate, and can often be difficult to control.3

Is Incontinence Treatment with Emsella Painful?

Not at all. During Emsella treatment, patients sit (fully clothed) on the treatment chair. Over the course of about 30 minutes, the chair causes the muscles of the pelvic floor to contract. Most patients report a sensation of tingling during treatment, and there is no downtime or recovery period following Emsella treatment for incontinence.4

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

A single treatment with Emsella can produce noticeable reduction in stress urinary incontinence and overactive bladder symptoms. We recommend two treatments a week over the course of three weeks. That’s a total of only six, 30-minute treatments.

Am I a Candidate for Emsella?

Wondering if treatment with Emsella is right for you? Take this quick quiz to find out!

  1. Have you given birth?
  2. Do you leak urine when you laugh, sneeze, run, or jump?
  3. Do you have sudden urges to urinate?
  4. Does bladder leakage impact your sex life?
  5. Have you reached menopause?

If you answered YES to one or more of the questions above, treatment with Emsella may be helpful to you. To learn more about candidacy for Emsella, please contact us to schedule your personal consultation.

Emsella Results

Each woman’s body is unique, so Emsella results differ according to the patient. Most of our patients have seen a marked improvement in SUI or OAB symptoms after Emsella treatment. According to a recent study, a significantly improved quality of life was reported by 95% of women treated with Emsella. Of those women, 62% reported that they reduced or eliminated the use of pads for incontinence.5

Contact TLC Med Spa

If you are frustrated by urinary incontinence or overactive bladder, we may be able to help. Thanks to treatment with Emsella, many of our patients are reporting a significant reduction in incontinence and overactive bladder symptoms. To learn more about Emsella and whether it can help you, please contact us for a private consultation.

1 Nitti VW. The prevalence of urinary incontinence. Rev Urol. 2001;3 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):S2-S6. Available: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1476070/. Accessed June 2, 2021.
2 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Stress Urinary Incontinence. Available: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/urogynecologic-surgical-mesh-implants/stress-urinary-incontinence-sui#:~:text=Stress%20urinary%20incontinence%20(SUI)%20is,of%20urinary%20incontinence%20in%20women. Accessed December 28, 2021.
3 Mayo Clinic. Overactive Bladder. Available: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/overactive-bladder/symptoms-causes/syc-20355715. Accessed December 28, 2021.
3 Emsella Patient Information. Available: https://bodybybtl.com/solutions/btl-emsella/. Accessed December 28, 2201.

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— Tasha, TLC Patient

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