
Did you know that reduced collagen production is the source of many of our facial aging concerns? Collagen provides structure for our skin, and as we age, reduced collagen leads to decreased elasticity, wrinkles and creases, sagging, and other common concerns. At TLC MedSpa, we are pleased to offer Sculptra collagen-stimulating treatments to our patients from throughout the Houston area. Unlike other dermal fillers that temporarily fill in wrinkles, Sculptra works deep inside the skin to stimulate collagen production, resulting in dramatically more youthful skin for up to 2 years.

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra by Galderma is an FDA-approved injectable treatment specifically designed to combat facial aging by stimulating the body's own collagen production.1 Unlike traditional fillers, Sculptra is a biocompatible collagen stimulator that works deep within the skin to gradually improve volume loss, smooth out wrinkles and creases, and restore youthful contours. Its active ingredient, injectable poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), targets areas like the cheeks, nasolabial folds (smile lines), and marionette lines, promoting a subtle yet noticeable rejuvenation over time.

Middle age woman showing her smooth skin

How Does Sculptra Work?

Sculptra operates by delivering poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) into the skin, which then stimulates collagen production in the treatment area.2 Collagen is a key structural protein in the skin that decreases with age, leading to wrinkles and sagging. Sculptra's mechanism encourages the skin to rebuild its own collagen matrix, gradually filling in facial wrinkles and creases and restoring volume for a more youthful appearance. This process not only smooths out the skin but also strengthens it from within, offering long-lasting results that can persist for up to two years or more.

Benefits of Sculptra

Our clients love Sculptra because it offers so many unique benefits:

  • Natural-Looking Refinement: Sculptra gradually rejuvenates the skin from within for subtle and natural-looking results.

  • Long-Lasting Results: Sculptra stimulates your skin’s natural collagen for up to 2 years, so you won’t need to worry about coming in often for touch-up treatments. 

  • Minimally Invasive: With a few simple injections, Sculptra offers a minimally invasive route to significant aesthetic improvements.

  • Little to No Downtime: Post-treatment, patients can quickly return to their daily routines, making it a convenient option for busy lifestyles.

  • Personalized Approach: Every Sculptra session at TLC MedSpa is customized to align with your unique facial structure and aesthetic goals.

  • Versatility: Sculptra can be used to correct a range of aging signs, including wrinkles and volume loss.

  • Trusted and Tested: As an FDA-approved solution, Sculptra is backed by a solid track record of safety and efficacy.

Preparing for Sculptra

The key to feeling confident about your Sculptra treatment is your consultation with one of our providers. Our experienced injectors will evaluate your skin's condition, discuss your beauty goals, and craft a treatment plan tailored just for you. This preparatory step ensures that Sculptra aligns perfectly with your aesthetic vision.

Once you have decided that Sculptra is right for you, the treatment area will be cleansed and an anesthetic cream will be applied to ensure your comfort.

The Sculptra Treatment

At TLC MedSpa, we pride ourselves on our meticulous approach to Sculptra treatments. Utilizing ultra-fine needles, our skilled practitioners administer Sculptra with precision and care, focusing on targeted areas to optimize volume restoration and facial contouring. The procedure is quick, efficient, and designed for your comfort.

Sculptra Recovery & Results

Little to no downtime is needed after Sculptra. You might experience some minor swelling, bruising, or discoloration/redness, but this is temporary.

Over the next few weeks, you will begin to notice improvements in your skin’s firmness and texture, and these results will only increase as your skin continues to produce new collagen.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sculptra

Who is a good candidate for Sculptra?

The ideal candidate for Sculptra is someone looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss without a plastic surgery or a facelift. It is well-suited for a wide range of skin types and ages, especially for those desiring gradual, natural-looking results. During your consultation, our specialists will assess if Sculptra is the right choice for you based on your aesthetic goals and skin condition.

Is Sculptra safe?

Sculptra is FDA-approved and has a strong safety record. As with any injectable treatment, there are potential side effects, such as temporary swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection sites. However, serious side effects are rare. It is crucial to receive Sculptra treatments from a qualified and experienced provider to ensure the highest safety standards.3

What makes Sculptra different from other dermal fillers?

Sculptra is unique because it doesn't just fill wrinkles and lines temporarily; it stimulates your body's own collagen production for a more natural and long-lasting result. Unlike hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane® that instantly plump wrinkles, Sculptra works gradually to restore facial volume and improve skin texture from within, offering results that can last up to two years or more.

How long do the results of Sculptra last?

The results of Sculptra are both significant and long-lasting. Many patients enjoy a more youthful appearance for up to two years after their treatment series. The longevity of Sculptra's results is due to its ability to stimulate your body's natural collagen production, gradually enhancing your skin's appearance over time.

Is there any downtime after a Sculptra treatment?

Sculptra treatments are designed to be minimally invasive, allowing most patients to return to their daily activities shortly after their session. While some might experience temporary swelling or bruising at the injection sites, these side effects typically subside quickly.

How many Sculptra treatment sessions will I need?

The number of Sculptra treatment sessions needed varies based on individual goals and the condition of the skin. Most patients achieve optimal results with two to three treatments spaced four to six weeks apart. During your consultation, your specialist will create a tailored treatment plan to meet your specific needs.

Can Sculptra be combined with other aesthetic treatments?

Yes, Sculptra can be effectively combined with other treatments such as BOTOX® and Dysport®, hyaluronic aciddermal fillers, and microneedling to enhance overall facial rejuvenation. Combining treatments can address a broader range of skin concerns and achieve more comprehensive results. Your provider will advise on the best combination of treatments to meet your aesthetic goals, and can also help you learn about skincare products to keep your skin looking healthy and fresh.

Schedule Your Consultation

Ready to experience the transformative power of Sculptra? Contact us today to schedule your personal consultation at our luxurious medical spa in Houston, TX.

1 Sculptra. Instructions for Use. Galderma Laboratories, L.P2023. Available: Accessed February 20, 2024.
2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What types of dermal fillers are available? Available: Accessed February 20, 2024.
3 Cleveland Clinic. Sculptra. Available: Accessed February 20, 2024.

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