ORBERA® Balloon Houston

ORBERA balloons are a highly effective minimally invasive weight loss solution that requires little or no downtime. The weight loss experts at TLC Med Spa in Houston are proud to offer ORBERA intragastric balloons to kickstart weight loss and encourage healthier eating habits. This non-surgical weight loss option has been proven to help patients as much as three times the amount of weight than with diet and exercise alone.1

Orbera Gastric Balloon

The ORBERA Gastric Balloon is ideal for treating patients who are moderately overweight and looking for a minimally invasive weight loss option. ORBERA is a single non-surgical weight loss balloon system that along with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and clinical support from TLC providers at our Houston practice can help patients achieve lasting weight loss and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How Does The Orbera Gastric Balloon Work?

The ORBERA balloon is specially designed to help patients control hunger and is ideal for those seeking a non-surgical alternative to traditional weight-loss surgeries. Made of soft silicone, the ORBERA balloon is inserted endoscopically into the stomach while deflated at our state-of-the-art Houston clinic. Once placed, a sterile saline solution is used to fill the stomach balloon, thereby filling space in the stomach and stimulating weight loss by helping patients to feel fuller with less food.

ORBERA Balloon Financing Options

In addition to taking a physical and emotional toll, the financial implications of carrying excess weight are significant.2 While the ORBERA balloon is generally not covered by health insurance, we’re proud to provide medical financing from several leading medical lenders that offer fast approvals, competitive rates, and flexible payment plans. We also offer self-pay packages that can be financed for under $200 per month*.
*Estimated payment for qualified patients

ORBERA Balloon For Patients Living Outside of Houston

We offer digital consultations, an online education forum, and virtual clinical support to out-of-state TLC patients, in addition to our on-site services. We’re dedicated to providing the highest standard of care to our local Houston-based patients as well as those traveling from afar to start their TLC weight loss journey.

We’ve put together some helpful information to ensure that our out-of-state patients enjoy a smooth and comfortable travel experience. Please contact us if you plan on traveling to Houston for ORBERA Balloon and have any questions regarding where to stay or what you can expect during your recovery.

Ideal Candidates for ORBERA Balloon are:

  • Adults
  • More than 40 pounds overweight
  • Have not had previous weight loss surgery
  • Are committed to a healthy lifestyle

FAQs About ORBERA Balloon

What’s the main difference between ORBERA and weight loss surgery?

The ORBERA balloon is non-surgical and requires no incisions. It’s also temporary, so patients get used to eating less and making healthier food choices, as opposed to surgical alternatives, which are both invasive, and permanent.

Are there any side effects associated with ORBERA?

The ORBERA balloon can cause vomiting or nausea immediately after placement which can last for up to several weeks however TLC can provide medication to minimize any discomfort.

How much does the ORBERA balloon cost?

Each patient is unique so there is no one-size-fits-all pricing. The best way to determine your exact cost is to schedule a consultation.

Learn More About the ORBERA Balloon Today

If you’d like to learn more about non-surgical weight loss options such as the ORBERA Balloon, please contact TLC Med Spa in Houston to schedule your consultation today.

1 Obera. About Obera. Available: https://www.orbera.com/uk-ireland/about-orbera. Accessed June 21, 2022.
2 NCHR. The Cost of Obesity: a Higher Price for Women—and Not Just in Terms of Health. Available: https://www.center4research.org/cost-obesity-higher-price-women-not-just-terms-health/#:~:text=This%20study%20also%20found%20that,how%20overweight%20you%20are%20matters. Accessed June 21, 2022.

“TLC changed my life in a major way. I know my worth more now.”

— Tasha, TLC Patient

The TLC Surgery Doctors have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.